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Advancer & the iconic A: a peek behind the scenes

What’s behind the name ‘Advancer’? What does the gigantic A stand for? In this article, we give you an exclusive look into the marketing vision behind the trailer unit product naming and creative process.

Advancer – the naming process

To help our new trailer unit fully realize its promise of progress and innovation, the name had to check several boxes:

  • Evocative of leadership
  • Related to long haul transport
  • Referencing our history in refrigerated transport
  • Personified to command trust
  • Scalable to name multiple models

The name ‘Advancer’ fit the bill quite well – and provided an excellent starting point for our marketing team to consider the next chapter: Advancer’s brand.

The new landmark in trailer refrigeration

The most visible parts of the Advancer brand are its logo and tagline.

The A-shaped logo embodies the same ideas of progress and innovation that are conveyed by Advancer’s name. As a reference to the first-ever Thermo King unit (Model A), we decided to focus fully on the A-shape and turn it into what is now known as the Iconic A.

At the same time, Advancer’s tagline built from ambition was conceived. The story behind it?

Ambition is at the heart of Thermo King.
It’s a landmark in transport refrigeration that will leave a lasting impact for years to come.

The landmark can be taken quite literally, especially in a visual sense. In almost all Advancer visuals, you will notice the gigantic A. The idea is that unit, name and logo are to be linked as the holy trinity of our product brand.

To emphasize our message of progress, we often combine these elements with long roads winding towards the horizon.