Keeping you updated

Your guide for writing better social media posts

Great news! We recently crossed the 5,000 follower landmark on LinkedIn! And our recently launched Instagram account is nearing 500 followers. Thank you so much for your support. Now it’s up to us to return the favor. Here are some tips and tricks for you to become more visible on social media.

Select the right platform

So, you’ve decided to create a social media page for your dealership? Great! But what are you going to publish on your page? Well, that’s up to you! But keep in mind: people visit Facebook for entirely different reasons than LinkedIn or Instagram – so avoid posting the same content on all different platforms.

  • Twitter and Facebook: be short, be captivating! You only have a tiny window of opportunity to attract the eyes of your customer!
    TW-Keeping an eye on your pharmaceutical cargo?

  • LinkedIn: This is where you’ll convince your – potential – customers that your dealership is a highly professional workplace. It’s the ideal platform to post testimonials and share your vision on the industry. 
    LI - A to B Finland Oy is a 100 percent C02 free home delivery company

  • Instagram: Here, you’ll upload your most eye-catching and captivating images – to inspire your (potential) customers. Our Instagram account is a great example – and if you don’t follow it yet, why don’t you start now?
    Screenshot Instagram

#Reach a new audience

How can you reach a new audience with your social media accounts? Well, there are hashtags that you can use at the end of your post. People who are interested in a specific hashtag or follow them (on LinkedIn) will see your post pop up. It’s the ideal way to attract new customers organically. You can divide them up into 3 categories:

  1. Branded hashtags: Launching a new product? Start a conversation with a branded hashtag. We used #Advancer to promote our latest trailer refrigeration unit.
  2. Niche hashtags: Reach your customers with industry-specific hashtags – #coldchain and #refrigeratedtransport being great examples.
  3. Broad hashtags: Use a broad hashtag with a lot of followers to reach an enormous potential audience. Think #Transport or #supplychain.

Selecting the right #hashtag

Here’s a list of the hashtags we use on LinkedIn. Don’t hesitate to try them out yourself.

  • #coldchain: 3,464 followers
  • #telematics: 2,607 followers
  • #pharma: 102,772 followers

But how many hashtags can you use in a post? Well, that depends on the platform:

  • Twitter: Unlike other social media, it’s natural to use #hashtags in a sentence on Twitter (but keep in mind that there is a 280 character limit).
  • Facebook: hashtags aren’t widely used on the platform, so use 2-3 broad hashtags.
  • LinkedIn: Be sparse with hashtags because both the LinkedIn platform and users don’t like hashtag stuffing. So, select between 5-7 branded, broad, and niche hashtags.

Find social posts in your toolbox

We know that writing, designing, and uploading your own set of social media assets can be time-consuming. For that reason, we always add a set of social media assets in our campaign toolboxes for you to use.

Check the Fuel Promise Campaign and inspire, convince, or attract the attention of your (potential) customers.

And if you’re not already following our social, here’s your chance to stay up-to-date! Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.